Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Good Words Are Worth Repeating

You see them on bumper stickers, bookmarks, posters, Facebook and  Twitter posts. They are everywhere. Something is always being repeated and said again. Have you heard it said that there is nothing  original. Everything has been said or done before.
Why is it that we like repeating certain things that have been said? I guess it's kind of like this, "good things are worth repeating." What do we call these good things that are worth repeating? Quotations! I think I'm going to make up a quotation and I bet it is already been said. Anyway, here it goes... "If it's been said then it probably has been said before."-Vicki O'Neal

What are some good things that have been  shared over and over again? Here are some of my favorite quotes.

Treat your body like a temple, not a woodshed. -Jim Rohn

People don't stop playing because they get old-people get old because they stop playing.

A heart that is in tune with God is a heart that beats for others.

People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision. -John Maxwell  

Good words are worth repeating. What are some of your favorite quotations? Please feel free to share them with us in your comment to this blog.


  1. Hi Vicki -

    Love the post and the quotes! Mind if I borrow them sometime?

    I send out a Daily Gratitude Burst - an email each day dealing with Gratitude. Your content is perfect!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Be Well.

  2. Paul, I am so glad that you enjoyed reading. There were some great quotes that you can use with your gratitude e-mail. Feel free to borrow and enjoy. Thanks for taking time to show some "gratitude." Enjoy!
