Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Where are the blueberries?

I've just discovered a wonderful place for incredible information about all things natural and good for you. I have discovered Naturalnews.com. I was looking at different information on this site and stumbled upon a very entertaining video which is a comedy skit titled General Mills Mind Games -Comedy Skit about Total Blueberry Pomegranate Cereal (naturalTV.com).

I was greatly entertained as I viewed this video. After viewing this comedic nutritional video, I asked myself a question "Where are the blueberries?" You see, there is a cereal called Total Blueberry Pomegranate by General Mills. They say they have blueberries and pomegranates in this cereal. Guess what? They are not telling you the truth.

The front of the total cereal box says "100% nutrition." Does the word artificial mean 100% nutrition? How is something artificial good nutrition for the body? There are no blueberries in Total Blueberry Pomegranate cereal. There is artificial flavor and RED 40 (this must be the pomegranates) and BLUE 2 (this must be the blueberries) and other added colors in this cereal that was called in 1961 a "benchmark for healthy cereal." Definitely times are changing. I wouldn't call this cereal healthy or nutritious.

We are so easily misled as consumers. I wonder how people can eat something that says it has blueberries and pomegranates in it when it is just colored sugar. It kind of reminds me of when I was in sixth grade and I bought a pet rock believing that it really was a pet. Why are we so easily misled? Don't you want your Total Blueberry Pomegranate cereal to really have blueberries and pomegranates in the cereal? How do you know if what you are eating is really food? READ THE LIST OF INGREDIENTS on your food labels. Avoid foods that have the word ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR in them.

So next time you buy a box of Total Blueberry Pomegranate cereal don't forget to ask yourself, "Where are the blueberries? "


  1. What an excellent educational post. I think we all are victims of consumerism. In our busy lives, we pick up anything without really knowing what the nutritions facts actually are in the product. I will definitely will be more conscious about my choices. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Shawn, I am grateful that I have been able to encourage you today to think about your choices. I'm glad that you are going to be more conscious and read your labels. Keep eating well so that you can live well.

    Vicki :)

  3. Great post! This is why, for the most part, I make my own baked goods from scratch as well as add blueberries, or whatever, to my whole grain cereals. I am such a label reader.

    Glad to have found your blog thru TLC and am now following
    www.crayonsinmydryer.com and www.byebyefatgirl.net

  4. Vicki, great post! Makes me think of those commercials in the 80's..."Where's the beef?" :) We should definitely be well informed consumers and it may be time that we demand more accurate labels. All natural is definitely "loosely" used. Thanks!

  5. Good observation, Vicki. I'm guilty of not reading labels as I should other than to look for the sugar and carb content, which is the reason I avoid those cereals because they seem to be packed with sugar.

    You have highlighted something important though, and that's the importance of making sure that we're getting what manufacturers promise. If not, avoid those products like the plague because all of that artificial 'stuff' cannot be healthy for our bodies.

    Thanks for sharing.

  6. I always read food labels and they sorely disappoint me. So I stopped reading them, it makes it harder to enjoy food (Lol!)

    But it's surprising how misleading they can be and how ignorant we as customers are!
    a very informative post :)

  7. So true Vicki.All those cereals have the minimum amount of Healthy and lots of fillers. Many are misled.Thanks for the great post.

  8. Beverly,Hajra,Yvonne, Dani and Melissa,

    Have you ever had a group hug? Well, this is going to be a group post. I enjoyed reading all of the comments that you ladies shared with me. It was neat seeing the way that many of you were encouraged to keep reading labels and pay attention to what you are consuming. It was neat hearing how Melissa makes her baked goods with real blueberries.

    I am new at blogging and you ladies have encouraged me by taking time to share your comments.

    Vicki :)

  9. Thanks Vicki for the heads up, will have to check that out! It is unfortunate that we have gotten so commercialized with our food to make people buy it, we are losing track of how it affects our health.

  10. Lynn, you are definitely right in that profits are more important to folks then being honest. I'm glad that you are paying attention to the foods you buy and how they affect your health.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Vicki :)
