Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Are you a dealer in Hope?

"Leaders are dealers in HOPE."-Napoleon

I loved reading a wonderful article in SUCCESS Magazine recently. This article is written by John Maxwell who is a gifted leader, speaker and author. I always know that I will be encouraged and sweetly challenged by his words.

In this article John Maxwell speaks about, "How to Be a Dealer in Hope" by helping others believe the impossible is possible. He shares that " Hope gives us reason to live. It takes obstacles and transforms them into possibilities. Hope gives us the strength and the courage we need to make the most of life."

In his first book written in 1979, Think on These Things, John Maxwell writes the following words:

What does hope do for mankind?

*Hope shines brightest when the hour is darkest.

*Hope motivates when discouragement comes.

*Hope energizes when the body is tired.

*Hope sweetens when the bitterness bites.

*Hope sings when all melodies are gone.

*Hope believes when the evidence is eliminated.

*Hope listens for answers when no one is talking.

*Hope climbs over obstacles when no one is helping.

*Hope endures hardship when no one is caring.

*Hope smiles confidently when no one else is laughing.

*Hope reaches for answers when no one is asking.

*Hope presses towards victory when no one is encouraging.

*Hope dares to give when no one is sharing.

Are you the kind of leader that is a dealer of HOPE? Do you inspire others to believe that what is impossible is possible. John Maxwell says that, "Leaders help people believe the impossible is possible,which makes it highly probable." A good leader is a dealer in HOPE.

You can read John Maxwell's article on, "How to Be a Dealer in Hope" in the current edition of SUCCESS Magazine. Just go to www.successmagazine.com.

Friday, February 11, 2011

I was a BIG GIRL!

Have you ever had to buy clothes from a store that sells clothes for PLUS sized women? LANE BRYANT, JUST MY SIZE and WOMAN WITHIN are the names of a few stores where you can buy PLUS sized women's clothing. Don’t the names JUST MY SIZE and WOMAN WITHIN scream the words overweight and large to you?

When you Google PLUS size women's clothing, these words are used to describe these clothes: TRENDY, FASHIONABLE, STYLISH and FLATTERING. When you search Google for MISSES clothing you do not see any of these words used to describe the clothing. Why is that?

It seems that wonderful adjectives must be used to help you feel better about wearing BIG SIZED clothing. I was a BIG GIRL! I had to wear PLUS sized clothing. At my largest size, I wore a size 20 Womens. How did this happen to me? Due to an injury my body is immobile and I cannot move easily, so I have a very sedentary life. In my late 20s, I had a spinal cord injury and have spent the last 18 years unable to move like I once could.

With the loss of my body and some other former privileges, I did not make the best eating choices and I ate what I liked (cheese, pasta, bread & butter, more cheese and don't forget the ice cream). I also experienced some uncomfortable health challenges which also hindered my ability to be disciplined in making good choices. Over the last several years I have exercised regularly and changed my eating habits but I could not get the weight off even with making better choices.

After using Mannatech products, I began to feel better . As I felt better and continued to exercise and eat well. I began to realize that I was a BIG GIRL and was ready to do something about it. Today, I can wear a size 12 MISSES clothing. How did this happen to me? I added to my regiment the Mannatech products OSOLEAN and GLYCOSLIM Meal Replacement Shake and continue to exercise regularly and eat well. I am losing fat while staying healthy and protecting my lean muscle.

Now that I am a smaller woman, I wear clothes that do make me feel TRENDY, FASHIONABLE, STYLISH and FLATTERING. I am SKINNIER in MY JEANS and it FEELS GREAT to LIVE WELL. Are you tired of being a PLUS sized woman or man? Take a look at the tab titled SKINNY IN MY JEANS for more information and to order OSOLEAN.

You can do this too! :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Where are the blueberries?

I've just discovered a wonderful place for incredible information about all things natural and good for you. I have discovered Naturalnews.com. I was looking at different information on this site and stumbled upon a very entertaining video which is a comedy skit titled General Mills Mind Games -Comedy Skit about Total Blueberry Pomegranate Cereal (naturalTV.com).

I was greatly entertained as I viewed this video. After viewing this comedic nutritional video, I asked myself a question "Where are the blueberries?" You see, there is a cereal called Total Blueberry Pomegranate by General Mills. They say they have blueberries and pomegranates in this cereal. Guess what? They are not telling you the truth.

The front of the total cereal box says "100% nutrition." Does the word artificial mean 100% nutrition? How is something artificial good nutrition for the body? There are no blueberries in Total Blueberry Pomegranate cereal. There is artificial flavor and RED 40 (this must be the pomegranates) and BLUE 2 (this must be the blueberries) and other added colors in this cereal that was called in 1961 a "benchmark for healthy cereal." Definitely times are changing. I wouldn't call this cereal healthy or nutritious.

We are so easily misled as consumers. I wonder how people can eat something that says it has blueberries and pomegranates in it when it is just colored sugar. It kind of reminds me of when I was in sixth grade and I bought a pet rock believing that it really was a pet. Why are we so easily misled? Don't you want your Total Blueberry Pomegranate cereal to really have blueberries and pomegranates in the cereal? How do you know if what you are eating is really food? READ THE LIST OF INGREDIENTS on your food labels. Avoid foods that have the word ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR in them.

So next time you buy a box of Total Blueberry Pomegranate cereal don't forget to ask yourself, "Where are the blueberries? "

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I just got finished typing some messages on Facebook. I was noticing how I was being very careful with my choice of words. I would type something and then read it and think about how it sounded. If my words did not communicate what I wanted to say in the way that I wanted to then I could easily make changes in the words I used.

Photograph by Chance Agrella

As I was making corrections on my messages, I began to think about how cool it was to be able to pick and choose my written words carefully by easily being able to make changes quickly by using the backspace key and also deleting. As I would make changes in my written text, I began to think that it was really wonderful to be able to easily change my words and I was wishing sometimes that I could have a delete and backspace button with my spoken words.

Have you heard that saying, "Open your mouth and insert foot." Have you noticed that you sometimes say things and then wish you could take it back? Are you like me in that you wish you could have a delete and backspace button for your spoken words? Do you remember hearing these words, "think before you speak?"

Unfortunately, we do not have a delete or backspace button for our spoken words however, we can take time to carefully choose our words by listening well and thinking before we speak. The next time you are communicating with your spoken words don't forget to take some time and listen well, think, consider and then share your insight.