Saturday, January 22, 2011

I thought I looked like Angelina Jolie

Yes, you heard me correctly. I did say these words, "I look just like Angelina Jolie."  Actually, I never really said these words. I do sometimes  think that I am cute . And then reality sets in and I see myself on video and say quietly inside my head, "What was I thinking?"

 I definitely do not look like Angelina Jolie.  However, I still really do think I'm cute. However, when I see myself on video,  I become a little critical of myself.  I just finished my first little video for this Blog. It is not always easy seeing yourself speaking. Again, baby steps!

I know that I will get more comfortable with seeing myself speaking on video.  I also know that I will definitely get better at doing this well. During my entrepreneurial journey, I have had to do many things that I was not comfortable doing. If I were unwilling to do the uncomfortable things then I would never be where I am now.

What is next for me in this entrepreneurial journey? Pay attention. You will learn more here. Don't forget to look at my short You Tube video at "Meet Vicki" on this Blog.


Here is a question for you.  Is there something new that you need to do to grow in your business or personally but asked haven’t done it yet because you are uncomfortable? What's stopping you?


  1. Great job Vicki!

    The first one is always the hardest! I did a video talking about my bone marrow donation - I only did one other as a follow up. I applaud you for moving ahead and not letting anything stop you!

    Be Well.

  2. Paul, you are definitely right in that doing a video is not easy, especially the first one. I appreciate your encouragement. I love the way that you seek to affirm others. You should consider doing another video. Why not?

    Vicki :)
