Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Are you a dealer in Hope?

"Leaders are dealers in HOPE."-Napoleon

I loved reading a wonderful article in SUCCESS Magazine recently. This article is written by John Maxwell who is a gifted leader, speaker and author. I always know that I will be encouraged and sweetly challenged by his words.

In this article John Maxwell speaks about, "How to Be a Dealer in Hope" by helping others believe the impossible is possible. He shares that " Hope gives us reason to live. It takes obstacles and transforms them into possibilities. Hope gives us the strength and the courage we need to make the most of life."

In his first book written in 1979, Think on These Things, John Maxwell writes the following words:

What does hope do for mankind?

*Hope shines brightest when the hour is darkest.

*Hope motivates when discouragement comes.

*Hope energizes when the body is tired.

*Hope sweetens when the bitterness bites.

*Hope sings when all melodies are gone.

*Hope believes when the evidence is eliminated.

*Hope listens for answers when no one is talking.

*Hope climbs over obstacles when no one is helping.

*Hope endures hardship when no one is caring.

*Hope smiles confidently when no one else is laughing.

*Hope reaches for answers when no one is asking.

*Hope presses towards victory when no one is encouraging.

*Hope dares to give when no one is sharing.

Are you the kind of leader that is a dealer of HOPE? Do you inspire others to believe that what is impossible is possible. John Maxwell says that, "Leaders help people believe the impossible is possible,which makes it highly probable." A good leader is a dealer in HOPE.

You can read John Maxwell's article on, "How to Be a Dealer in Hope" in the current edition of SUCCESS Magazine. Just go to www.successmagazine.com.


  1. Very inspiring topic Vicki. Appreciate you sharing thoughts and comments of John Maxwell. Throughout my entrepreneur journey I have met many 'dealers in hope'. They are around us everywhere. I believe that is how I became a stronger and much more confidenct business woman, through their support of me believing in the impossible. Thank you for sharing this wonderful and inspiring information.

  2. This has come at such a good time. Just yesterday we were talking about hope and success. Will definitely check the article out!

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