Monday, January 10, 2011

Givers Sell More

Selling is giving: giving time, attention, counsel, education, empathy, and value. In fact, the word sell comes from the old English word sellar, which means -you guessed it -"to give."—From Go Givers Sell More

How often have you heard people say, "I don't like to sell!" I know this is something that I have heard others share and I know that this is something I have said myself.  I wonder why I didnt like to "sell". Maybe its because of the old car commercials where you were being talked into buying that awesome automobile by the loud car salesman.  Or maybe it's because I didn’t want to offend someone. Maybe it's because I just didn't like talking to people. I'm really not quite sure why I didn't like sells.

I'm kind of thinking that maybe I didn’t like selling because my thoughts weren’t really accurate about the whole thing. When you hear that selling is giving then it does something to change your thinking. I like the idea that I am not just a salesman but I am a giver. I learned a lot from reading the book Go Givers Sell More by Bob Burg and John David Mann. I learned that selling is about caring about people. It's about listening and valuing the other person.

It's not just about you. It's about listening to and learning what it is valuable and needed by the person you're speaking to. As I read this book, I saw all things that I have been doing wrong in regards to sharing my "conkus of the bonkus."  I have some wonderful things to work on. I'm looking forward to growing at being a better listener and really hearing what someone wants and needs.

I highly recommend reading Go Givers Sell More. 


  1. Great review of the book "Go Givers Sell More."

    I learned a few years back that EVERYTHING we do in life we are "selling" something! For example: when you go on a date and the guy asks you out for a second date, it is because you "sold" him the idea that you were intriguing enough to take out again.

    When you do a school project and you get an "A" it is because you "sold" to the teacher the thought that you knew what you were doing and that you worked really hard and deserved that grade.

    When someone buys your products/services, it is because he or she has been "sold" on the fact that you are the best fit to supply them with this product or service that they are looking for or are interested in.

    So, don't be afraid of sales, people! We all do it everyday with every move we make! It is natural and we all need to find a comfort level with sales. It will make running your business so much easier! :)

    Good luck in all your sales!

    Barbara Ling

  2. Barbara, I love your comments! You are a very sharp woman! You share some excellent things about sells. You are definitely right in that we have many opportunities to sell all the time in our day to day lives. Thanks for taking time to leave a comment. I hope things go well for you in your work.

    Vicki :)
