Tuesday, January 4, 2011

To Blog or not to Blog, that is the question...

These words were once partly written by Shakespeare. I just gave them a little twist. So the question is should you blog or should you not. Well, I guess that I have decided that I will begin a journey of blogging. This is my very first ever blog that I have ever written. I have to confess that I really don't know what I'm doing. So I am just happy to be writing something that hopefully someday will evolve and look like something pretty neat.

I have already confessed that I don't really know what I'm doing but this is how you get started doing something.  You just "DO IT!" I'm grateful for the Ultimate Blog Challenge which encouraged me to begin this journey. I am looking forward to learning more from others who are blogging and I'm excited about beginning this journey of communicating thoughts on paper that will hopefully make a difference for others.

I have had a lot of FIRSTS in the last few years. I remember how challenging it was to make my first cold call. This was not a very easy endeavor for me. I can now say that I have become very comfortable with speaking to strangers on the telephone and it is so much easier now than it was when I first started. I can definitely see how I will become better at blogging and am glad to be taking my first steps.

Why do you blog? 

What benefits have you experienced from blogging? 

What makes a blog interesting for you to read? 

I would love to hear your feedback. This will help me continue to grow and do this even better.  I am excited about learning how to do this well and it will be neat to look back on this and smile when I think about how far I have come.  Now I need to think about what I will write tomorrow...


  1. Hi Vicki,
    Congrats on joining the ultimate blog challenge! Don't worry about getting a late start, you'll get caught up soon enough!

    For me, I love blogging because it gives me the chance for people to get to know me and what I do.

    It's also a great outlet for creativity. And, it's a fabulous way to make passive streams of income...

    Best of luck on the challenge... I'll look forward to reading more of your posts!



  2. Welcome to the world of blogging! I, too, am fairly new to this and am enjoying the Ultimate Blog Challenge. Best wishes to you during the next month and beyond...


  3. Cheryl, your words are so encouraging to me. Thank you! :)Vicki

  4. Michelle, thanks for your message to me. I know that you are going to do a great job with blogging. Thanks for encouraging me today!

    Vicki :)
